Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning

Liz Cheney

A gripping first-hand account from inside the halls of Congress as Donald Trump and his enablers betrayed the American people and the Constitution--leading to the violent attack on our Capitol on January 6th, 2021—by the House Republican leader who dared to stand up to it.  In the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump and many around him, including certain other elected Republican officials, intentionally breached their oath to the they ignored the rulings of dozens of courts, plotted to overturn a lawful election, and provoked a violent attack on our Capitol.    Liz Cheney, one of the few Republican officials to take a stand against these efforts, witnessed the attack first-hand, and then helped lead the Congressional Select Committee investigation into how it happened. more

NonfictionPoliticsMemoirHistoryAudiobookBiographyAmerican HistoryBiography MemoirHistoricalAutobiography

381 pages, Kindle Edition
First published Little, Brown and Company







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Liz Cheney

10 books 91 followers

Elizabeth Cheney Perry, commonly called Liz, is an American attorney. During the George W. Bush administration years, she held positions in the State Department of the United States. She has been politically active on behalf of the Republican Party and is a co-founder of Keep America Safe.

She is the elder daughter of former Vice President of the United States Dick Cheney and Lynne Cheney.


Community reviews

2269 reviews

I am through the first third of “Oath and Honor” by Liz Cheney. I’m learning a great deal—about the events arising from Election 2020 and former President Trump’s claims that it was “stolen”—about our Constitution and system of government—and about various members of Congress, some of whom currently hold leadership positions. A lawyer and a former government official and Member of Congress, Ms. Cheney was an eye witness to and participant in many of the events she writes about, including most notably the counting of electoral votes and the ensuing riot at the capital. She tells her story succinctly with plain and clear prose that’s easy to read. more

Andrea Mikeal
22 reviews

Oath and Honor is an educational book that explains the Constitution and the rule of law as it applies to the transfer of power after the 2020 election. While I don’t agree with any of Liz Cheney’s positions, I have the utmost respect for her moral ethics and backbone. She has more balls than the rest of the Republican leadership combined. This is a fascinating book that walks the reader through the events between November, 2020 and January, 2021 detailing exactly who did what. She then takes us through the House Select Committee meetings for the following 18 months. more

294 reviews

I strongly I mean STRONGLY think as much as Liz is a hero, in her own right, she helped create this problem. Let’s not forget how Liz Cheney voted in 2016 & 2020. Let’s not also forget Liz Cheney supported some of the same people she is condemning in her book. She also did NOT vote to impeach Trump over the Zelenskyy call. I do commend & respect her (personal opinions aside) for sacrificing her political career, reputation and safety to make sure everyone knew the truth. more

Kimba Tichenor
377 reviews

Liz Cheney, an inside Republican, gives an honest review of Donald Trump’s attempt to overthrow the government. Using facts from the investigation of January 6th, Cheney made it clear what happened that day. Republicans were so upset that she voted to impeach Trump based upon the facts and lies that led to that day. Cheney rips apart and describes that several key Republicans could have stopped the January 6th attacks. They swear an oath to the Constitution, instead they lied. more

Mack Rhoades
2 reviews

I sit on the far opposite end of the political spectrum from Liz Cheney, but I share her belief that the battle that faces us today is not a partisan one, but an American one. People on both sides of the political spectrum need to unite to preserve our constitutional form of government. It is hard for me to understand how anyone can support for office a person who refused to step down peacefully and incited others to commit violence. The book clearly and meticulously outlines what is at stake if Donald Trump were to win another term and if at the local and state level we continue to elect politicians that prioritize winning over the rule of law. I know that many on my side of the political spectrum have tried to minimize what Cheney did by standing up: She just did what she should have, nothing more. more

784 reviews

Cheney meticulously and frighteningly lays out the January 6 conspiracy that involved Trump and his minions, members of Congress as well as the previous and current speaker of the house. . more

Bruce Katz
508 reviews

Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning is a powerful book by Liz Cheney as the title alone suggests. This gripping story is from inside the halls of Congress as Donald Trump and his enablers betrayed the American people and the Constitution as they plotted to overturn a lawful election and provoked a violent attack on our Capitol on January 6, 2021. Liz Cheney, one of the few Republican officials to take a stand against these efforts, witnessed the attack first-hand and then helped lead the Congressional Select Committee Investigation to discover how it happened. If you have been following the news, much of it will be familiar, but what adds to the shocking facts that were exposed during the investigation is having the timeline as it unfolded in real-time. While I agree with very little of the conservative political views held by Liz Cheney, I applaud her patriotism in trying to impart to all of us the clear and present danger posed to this country by Donald Trump at great personal loss to her Congressional career. more

304 reviews

This book has gotten a lot of press since its release. There's not much I can say that hasn't already been said. This doesn't, however, take anything away from the importance of what Cheney has done here. My 4-star rating is doubtless more a reflection of the terrible urgency of Cheney’s message than it is an evaluation of the writing itself, but that’s fine. For Cheney (and many others, myself included) this is a uniquely fraught moment in the history of our country. more

537 reviews

She names names. She kept receipts. Mandatory reading for all Americans for sure. . more

189 reviews

3. 5 overall - mostly for the latter half of the book and its focus on the House 1/6 Committee Hearings.  ~ because that, more than any particular interest in Liz Cheney, was my reason for reading the book. And, in that, the book (and, by extension, Liz) does not disappoint. To me, the hearings were riveting Must-See TV. more

Scott Rhee
1960 reviews

Twenty to thirty years from now when historians write about Donald Trump and this period in our American history, Liz Cheney’s book Oath and Honor should be heavily referenced. Cheney painstakingly reports every detail of the activities of her republican colleagues in Congress for the two years following the 2020 presidential election. January 6th was a horrible day for our country, but actions of the republicans during this period were devastating. Allegiance to Trump became the price for remaining in the republican party. Several republican members of congress who voted to impeach the former president lost their primary election, including Liz Cheney. more

2244 reviews

The language is straightforward, not much room for misinterpretation:“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. ”—-Section 3 of the 14th AmendmentSeven months after Trump incited a violent mob of American citizens—-duped into believing that the 2020 election was stolen—-to attempt to violently disrupt the peaceful transfer of power by attacking Capitol police officers and breaking illegally into the U. S. Capitol Building, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) appointed Liz Cheney (R) to the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. Cheney—-one of only ten Republicans to vote for impeachment of Trump after J6—-witnessed the cowardice of members of her party as they downplayed the events or blatantly defended Trump’s indefensible actions (and inactions) of that notorious day. more

Mama Cass
94 reviews

A well written recap of Liz Cheney's final year in office, along with her determination to honor her oath. 8 of 10 stars. more

Daniel Villines
413 reviews

While not agreeing on just about all her policies, after reading this book, I believe Liz is a true American heroine. The evidence she presents is stunning. To quote my favorite wizard "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. " She is brave, courageous and strong. She stood tall for her oath to the constitution, the people and her party. more

Trudie Barreras
45 reviews

Oath and Honor is an intensely interesting and factual book that focuses on the acts undertaken by then President Trump to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Cheney’s writing is crisp and damning and gives no quarter to those that directly participated or encouraged the January 6th attack on the US Capitol. In the future, as other books by historians come into being, Cheney’s account will hold its own and serve to passionately depict her patriotism and her present belief in the rule-of-law. However, for as thorough, comprehensive, and critical of Trump that this book is, it leaves out any discussion regarding a critical piece of evidence that speaks directly to the cause of the January 6th attack on the US Capitol. Cheney supported Trump’s candidacy for president in 2016. more

Elisabeth Boas
43 reviews

It is very disconcerting to realize that Liz Cheney, a woman I have come to deeply respect and admire since her service as co-chair of the Select Committee to investigate the events of January 6, 2021, is the daughter of the man I considered a dangerous “neocon” immediately following 9/11. Although I do not really consider myself a “Truther”, I was in fact extremely skeptical of the role VP Dick Cheney played in the events surrounding that terrorist attack and its aftermath throughout the Bush 43 administration. Indeed, reflecting on this strange reversal in the level and direction of the threats we face and the fact that Cheney’s daughter has now become the prophetic voice demanding that we look very carefully at the direction in which our Nation is headed, I decided today to go ahead and republish my review of the book that drastically altered my political opinions a decade and a half ago, David Ray Griffin’s “Christian Faith and the Truth behind 9/11”. The type of conservatism represented by Liz Cheney is indeed a view which understands clearly that whatever the flaws of our Constitutional Republic in process, it is far superior to the utter chaos and anarchy of a proposed anti-democratic autocracy of the type that Donald Trump aspires to create with him as the dictator wannabe. “Oath and Honor” is not only a scathingly honest analysis of the events preceding and during 1/6, but also of its aftermath in terms of the ongoing deterioration of any sense of honor or willingness to stand by the Oath of Allegiance to the Constitution which now besets something over 40 percent of our citizenry. more

Roslynne Lowry
53 reviews

Careful, clear, first-hand, reasoned account, analysis, and warning from an experienced plain-speaking American. Must read, everyone. more

Christine Nolfi
243 reviews

Though I do not agree with her politics, she succinctly lays out why we cannot allow Donald Trump to again hold any elected office. That the rule of law is what preserves our Democracy and Republic. That we must abide by our Constitution that is greater than any one person. . more

26 reviews

An important book that should be required reading for every American of voting age. Highly recommended. more

642 reviews

Every American who intends on voting in 2024 needs to read this book before voting. . more

Cynthia Dunn
174 reviews

As the 2024 presidential campaign heats up, experts on extremism fear the threat of politically motivated violence will intensify. From QAnon to “Stop the Steal,” conspiracy theories that demonized Donald Trump's enemies are morphing and spreading as the front-runner for the 2024 Republican nomination aims for a return to the White House. I never thought I would read anything by a Republican. I may not agree with her politics, but I most certainly admire her courage and respect her intelligence. "Oath and Honor" strikes a blow in defiance of the millions of decent Americans who have for too long been held captive by Trump and his motley inner circle of heinous thugs and delinquent misfits. more

Joseph Sciuto
420 reviews

Well, there goes sleeping for the next ten months. more

1188 reviews

Many years ago in lovely Southern California, in a very famous restaurant, I was talking to this young couple, maybe 5 to 7 years older to me. We were discussing the Bronx, where I was born and raised, movies, Broadway, and a host of other topics. When they were getting ready to leave they invited me the very next day to a Memorial Day Party at their house in Malibu. I gracefully had to decline and when they asked me why I replied, "Because on Memorial Day I always go to the Veterans' cemetery in Westwood. "They then asked, "If I had anyone buried there. more

Keri Stone
375 reviews

Dec. 18: I haven’t finished yet. I’m just about through Part 1. What amazes me is that the people in Congress who are trump’s toadies aren’t expelled for ignoring their oath of office. How do they get away with that. more

Montzalee Wittmann
4683 reviews

Liz Cheney has written an excellent book detailing the events before, during, and after January 6th related to Trump and others’ roles in the violence. As part of the Congressional Select Committee that looked into these events, she offers a rare and expansive view that details not only Trump’s role, but those that helped him plan it. This book is not written from a political opponent, but Liz Cheney is known to be a lifelong strong conservative Republican. I confess, as such, I disagree with her politically on many thing. But I’ve gained tremendous respect since Jan 6 and from reading this book, as she has shown herself to be an avid American patriot who will support the Constitution and Republic at great self detriment. more

Pseudonymous d'Elder
188 reviews

Oath and HonorLiz Cheney I may not have agreed with her votes in Congress, but she sure stood up for the Constitution when it was needed. This is a good behind the scenes look at what went on with the January 6 Committee and dealing with the other Republicans. A real eye opener. The book went fast. Her writing style made the situations relatable. more

106 reviews

__________________________ On January 6, 2021, Liz Chaney was preparing for the start of the Electoral College certification ceremony, when her phone rang. “While I was sitting at Ryan’s desk, my dad [Dick Cheney] called me. “Are you listening to Trump. ” he asked. …” He just told the crowd [at his infamous pep rally at the Ellipse] that they should ‘get rid of the Liz Cheneys of the world. more

David Eppenstein
718 reviews

Cheney draws from the public record and her own, inside, personal experience to construct a detailed chronology of how Trump, his co-conspirators and his cult followers tried to steal the 2020 U. S. presidential election - a 'sinister clown show' that nearly did, and still could (looking at you Mike Johnson), destroy the United States. The book is informative and alarming. I highly recommend listening to the audiobook read by Cheney herself and including audio footage of interviews and events. more

Pierre Tassé
497 reviews

If this book were a work of fiction it would be a bestselling political thriller/police procedural. Unfortunately it is not fiction but fact and now a sad chapter in our history. In an effort to remain openminded about 1/6 I thought it possible that that rally was held just to massage the wounded ego of DJT. However once he got in front of his adoring moronic fans his vanity and stupidity took over and he said things he shouldn't have said and in a way they shouldn't have been said. He then set the crowd free and returned to the WH and surrendered control of the crowd to the wind. more


A book that gives us Liz Cheney’s view of some of the functioning or non functioning of the US Republicans. Some memorabilia in the middle of the book. . more

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