
Cassidy Hutchinson

Cassidy Hutchinson’s desk was mere steps from the most controversial president in recent American history. Now, she provides a riveting account of her extraordinary experiences as an idealistic young woman thrust into the middle of a national crisis, where she risked everything to tell the truth about some of the most powerful people in Washington.  Ever since a childhood visit to Washington, DC, Cassidy Hutchinson aspired to serve her country in government. more

NonfictionPoliticsMemoirHistoryBiographyAudiobookAutobiographyBiography MemoirAmerican HistoryWomens

379 pages, Kindle Edition
First published Simon & Schuster







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Cassidy Hutchinson

2 books 140 followers


Community reviews

Andrea Mikeal
22 reviews

There is something creepy about the world that Cassidy Hutchinson describes. There is a fantasy world around her and she sees appearances as reality while never realizing that she was enabling the fascism and never questioning the nature of her own reality until the very end well after the January 6 riots. Her cultish devotion to her party and deluded leader led to her calling the unpatriotic American Trump supporting traitor rioters ‘antifa’ and never fully recognizing that there is no such thing as antifa except on the extreme edges of reality. She routinely would write about watching Fox News (sic) to keep abreast of the world. She also claimed that she entered politics because she was a ‘patriot. more

Kimberly A Fee
3 reviews

I preordered this book knowing it would be a great addition to what we all saw during her testimony before the January 6 committee. Now I will be the first to admit I think Cassidy Hutchinson is a courageous woman. It takes a lot of guts to stand up against “Trump World” for what you know in your heart is not right. Although I disagree with her political stance, I will never discredit her testimony as it very eerily matches all timelines. I encourage everyone to read this book and hope more media coverage will talk about it as she speaks about the character of a few of our current congressmen & women. more

Terence M - [Quot libros, quam breve tempus!]
561 reviews

Highly recommend Perfectly told. Patriotic. The message is important- Trump can not get near the White House again. To the author: best to you on the next chapter of your life. . more

836 reviews

2. 5 Stars ^ 3. 0 Stars - "It was a little better than OK"Cassidy Hutchinson and her co-writer Mark Salter, have produced a book, Enough, that was variously tedious, interesting, annoying, illuminating, and eventually, disappointing. There is no doubt that Hutchinson was an excellent eye-witness to the events leading up to the January 6 riots on Capitol Hill. She was also very smart when she eventually made her decision to reveal to the Jan 6 Committee what she really knew about the depth of deceit, the misconduct and the nefarious activities carried out in a chaotic White House, by senior executives, including her immediate boss and ultimately the President. more

38 reviews

3 stars for the book, 5 stars for the courage it took to break from her secure spot in the Trump White House and to testify on live television about the wrongdoing taking place, especially during the “stop the steal” criminal activities after Trump’s 2020 election loss. The book suffers as a memoir that includes moments in her personal life before getting to the meat of the matter of her time in the White House. I wasn’t interested in her home birth in New Jersey, her parents’ divorce, or any of the other details of her childhood. She could have easily begun with her college interests in Political Science that led to her seeking employment in Washington D. C. more

Peter P. Bernard
56 reviews

"Enough" by Cassidy Hutchinson offers an incisive look into the chaotic inner workings of the Trump White House. Hutchinson's first hand knowledge, meticulous research and nuanced storytelling provide a compelling portrait of an administration rife with internal strife, power struggles, and a constant battle for the President's favor. The book serves as more than just a chronicle of events; it acts as an allegory for the broader political and social climate, capturing the essence of an era marked by division and incredulity. The characters, many of whom are public figures the author observed in their natural habitat daily, are portrayed with a depth that transcends the headlines, offering readers a glimpse into the motivations and fears that drive the actions of those in the highest echelons of power. "Enough" is an essential read for anyone looking to understand the complexities and contradictions of the Trump administration. more

Scott Rhee
1960 reviews

EnoughI wish I could've rated the book higher because of the trough life that will be hers, perhaps hoping that book sales will help her financially. But Ms. Hutchinson is still a Republican and seems not to be able to see that Trump is the logical evolution of the Republican party. What she thinks he became, he always was and always will be. I wish her well, but Trump is still a menace and his character was sketched in his entire life and clearly defined during his presidency. more

Rachel Russ
28 reviews

I am---perhaps unhealthily---obsessed with the events of January 6, 2021. Like many Americans, I was shocked, apalled, disgusted, and terrified by the images of Americans breaking into the Capitol Building in Washington, D. C. with the sole intent of disrupting and overturning the (normally) peaceful transfer of power. That the President, himself, was the one who instigated and fuelled the insurrection that day made it all the more terrifying, with frightening implications for the health of our democracy. more

Holly R W
388 reviews

I read this eagerly thinking she would be someone unbiased and more patriotic to our country as a whole and maybe a bit naive finding herself in a position where she wasn’t ready for. I gave it three stars because I purchased this hoping for a believable honest narrative of someone who has a moral backbone that didn’t want to have to compromise her own integrity to stoop to the crookedness of a group of politicians. She knew exactly what was going on at all times, and her ties and loyalty was mainly to Mark or “the Chief. ” Clearly, from the beginning of the book she was critical of all involved. She didn’t say anything she was concerned or critical about out-loud the whole time so more people shared with her details about the 6th. more

182 reviews

This is Cassidy Hutchinson's political memoir. It encompasses information about her family, education and time spent working both in Congress and the Trump White House. She came to national attention with her stunning testimony to the January 6th committee of the House of Representatives. Reading the book gave me a better understanding of her. Cassidy was only 23 years old when she was selected by Mark Meadows (Trump's Chief of Staff) to be his assistant. more

Robert Granat
39 reviews

I have to say, I don't know what I expected with this one. Insight, perhaps. Knowing the players (well - most of them) I knew it wouldn't be a pleasant story to read. But it left me feeling quite deflated. Ms. more

Carmel Hanes
498 reviews

Remember folks: if someone publishes a work of nonfiction, built entirely on the premise that they’ve had an earth-shaking personal awakening……after they spent entire years of their lives assisting in upending democracy……yet their cornerstone revelation is that they were, in fact, also victims (with Stockholm Syndrome, naturally)…. it is likely that they are still nefarious. It’s supervillain antics, just in new and exciting increasingly profitable shrinkwrap packaging. I am no skeptic in the ability of people to undergo drastic personal change, however. Neither is it my personal conviction that those same people must grovel their way back to the good graces of society. more

996 reviews

3. 5 I'd love to hear what this young woman has to say in 20 or 30 years about her experiences. I will be curious about what she does next. As a book, this was written well enough and was interesting enough to keep me engaged (I listened to the audio, which was read by Ms. Hutchinson, which made it feel more "personal", like reading her diary or having a deep conversation over coffee). more

20 reviews

This book is both a memoir and an indictment of the former president’s administration. Two quotes stood out for me:“an unhinged chief executive, willing to overturn the will of the people and plunge the country into chaos and violence on the advice of crazy people…. for what. To avoid the embarrassment of conceding an election he knew he had lost”“When the president I had served wholeheartedly persuaded his supporters to reject the legitimacy of a free and fair election, I knew he was leading a dangerous assault on our political ideals and governing institutions for no other purpose than to soothe his injured pride”I felt discouraged, concerned, alarmed, and infuriated to read about the unlawful behavior and deception exhibited by high level staff, assistants and advisors. This book provides an account, given by someone who held a prominent position, of the days and months leading up to the January 6 insurrection. more

Anne Hartley Pfohl
121 reviews

I was NOT looking for this book to bring any Trump revelations but I was looking for it to bring depth to Cassidy’s life, experience and her Republican beliefs & policies, it does non of that. We learn little about her youth other then she supposedly has a memory for detailed & profound adult advice given to her about the world when she approx 5-9 years old. While working for years at the Capitol, she tells us over & over of people complimenting her on her people & organization skills. With hardly a mention or exchange of meaningful substance of what she did or accomplished for the American people. Cassidy loves & craves her fathers love . more

730 reviews

Not well written. Very choppy storytelling. Events, references, and people were thrown together in haphazard and confusing ways. I felt the story she told about her family, especially her relationship with her father, was the most compelling part of the book. I was very disappointed in this book and in what it revealed to me about Cassidy Hutchinson as a worker in the White House and a witness to the corrupt and self-serving people who ran the show. more

1155 reviews

2 1/2 stars. Earnestly written account of a naive and gullible young woman's experience as an assistant to President Trump. She has the demeanor of an eager grade school student trying to please her teacher. Even so, I have no doubt she meant to do right by her actions supporting him almost to the end. And she eventually redeems herself, finally, with actually being truthful with herself and the country. more

Mama Cass
94 reviews

I have many differences of opinions about politics and society from those held by someone willing to work for Trump. But Ms. Hutchinson has had enough integrity to tell the truth and put country first. It requires more bravery than was offered by majority of those working around her in the White House. Doing the right thing doesn’t make you a hero but it is deserving of our thanks. more

E Lowe
108 reviews

I felt so many different emotions reading this book. Hate, disgust, sad, confusion, proud, and intrigued. I have to say, if you have any animal and/or pet triggers, avoid Part One. Seriously. To say I think Cassidy's bio dad is a POS is putting it lightly. more

378 reviews

I anticipated reading this over at least a week, but couldn’t sleep last night, so read all night. What a read, and what an inspirational young woman. It’s heartbreaking to see what she went through, but in the same breath fascinating and insightful to see the way she came through with such character and strength of conviction. I’m not an American, but have been fascinated by the way politics have played out over the past decade. This will be yet another resource for historians to pour over in future, and gain insight into the chaos the GOP appears to be cascading into. more

Mary Beth
5 reviews

Although there are some interesting information and stories in this book it is tiresome listening to someone who helped facilitate Trumps worst action, did nothing about it but now is saving America with her testimony. Where was she during the four years of constant unethical and despicable behaviour by Trump. She was helping facilities behaviour. If she (and others) had called out truth earlier my w January 6 might not have happened. I hope she doesn’t feel her testimony make up for all the facilitating and support she gave trump . more

Phil Lawless
312 reviews

This is a fascinating read. Even as a non-American, I could not put it down. It is well- written and offers the reader powerful and credible insights into the operation of the highest echelons of the White House during a turbulent time in American history. The author comes across as authentic, smart, detailed, ambitious and observant. Butt most of all Hutchinson reveals she is decent, honest, if at time conflicted, but ultimately courageous. more

9 reviews

Since I watched Cassidy testify at the Jan 6 committee hearing, I found the book fascinating. Cassidy’s home life was very upsetting to read, for her father’s parenting was abominable. Yet, she managed to survive and keep him in mind until the very end of the book. Her record and insights of everything after Trump’s 2020 loss will color how I view the progress of all the trials that are coming up soon. There is one thing I found disconcerting. more

38 reviews

A really disappointing and disheartening read. It comes across as though Hutchinson’s only motivator is the approval of the most dysfunctional and toxic men she comes across and I didn’t pick up on much internal conflict. A lot of time was spent on recounting the most mundane of compliments people would give her for things like being on time or making a spreadsheet. Even during her testimony her biggest concern behind the scenes seemed to be if Trump was mad at her. I don’t know how she got to be an American hero but I’m less impressed with her story after reading her memoir than I was before. more

Joseph Sciuto
420 reviews

The most bold and blatant propaganda piece I've ever read. A complete fallacy in every single respect. more

Beth Given
1311 reviews

Over the ages, since homo sapiens started roaming planet earth there have been as many brave and courageous, brilliant and talented women as men. Cassidy Hutchinson, along with Liz Cheney, stand so prominently out because since the War of 1812 never has one political party, predominantly made up of men, exhibited such cowardly, subservient behavior as they bow down before a four time draft dodger, rapist, liar, tax cheat, insurrectionist, bully, illiterate, traitor, etc, as the former president and current leader of the Republican Party. I was a little hesitant about reading Ms. Hutchinson's memoir, "Enough," simply because I thought I knew all I needed to know about this young lady, but I was totally wrong, which is not unusual. If one does choose to read her memoir, which I highly recommend, I think it is important to remember that this young lady, at the tender age of 23, was an eyewitness. more

179 reviews

I listened to the January 6th hearings when they were happening, and was eager to read this memoir from one of the witnesses at the hearings. Cassidy Hutchinson's viewpoint is unlike most political books I read: she was loyal to Trump as a white house aide in 2020, and she is still a Republican. I found the inner workings of the White House interesting (though it's a little disheartening to realize that Hutchinson's job just seemed to be managing politicians' emotions). The depths of her trauma after enduring Trump's erratic moods, particularly post-election and peaking on January 6th, were sobering to read. Her ultimate choice to speak out to maintain her patriotism and integrity was courageous. more

Natalie Grim
30 reviews

I give Ms. Hutchinson credit for coming out with the truth about what she’d seen and heard on January 6th but before the date of the insurrection she, as a higher person in the administration, was still involved in that four year circle of incompetence, cruelty and corruption. The part of the book that still stands out to me is her naivety or blind loyalty to Trump by believing his lie that he never disparaged soldiers when he did so about John McCain on TV and his cruel remarks about wounded soldiers being verified by former Generals. In her eyes and own written words she “could tell he was genuinely hurt by the accusation”. Honestly, I almost quit reading at that point but I kept on going only to read her admitting she was part of the group who name called & bullied people (so much so she knew to expect it when she was on the opposite side). more

79 reviews

a surprisingly emotional read for me from an absolutely fascinating young woman. i tore through this book in just over 24 hours. A master class in a compelling political narrative, i felt the pacing was especially excellent. Her voice felt both raw and polished at the same time. I felt especially connected to her during her testimony, and that carried into my experience reading this as someone close in age, close in background, and close to politics right now and on Jan. more


DNF. I had to stop listening to this audiobook because it felt like I was eavesdropping on an immature starry-eyed self-aggrandizing teenager patting herself on the back at a slumber party. I had a clue it was going to be a slog when she described her father showing her how to be a “warrior” by killing a defenseless turtle. She writes like she was the Secretary of State traveling on Air Force One with movers and shakers. Oh, she also dressed down Ted Cruz. more

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