Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life

Jim Kwik

Your brain is the most powerful technology in the world, but you never got the owner's manual. Until now. You have no limitations. more

Self HelpNonfictionPersonal DevelopmentProductivityPsychologyBusinessHealthEducationBrainAudiobook

344 pages, Hardcover
First published Hay House Inc.







230 people reading

Jim Kwik

23 books 441 followers

From official website:

Jim was once known as the “boy with the broken brain.”

A childhood head injury at age five left him struggling in school. For a while, he even believed he could never be as good as other kids when it came to learning.
Jim loved superheroes as a kid – and comic books saved him when conventional education couldn’t. Comic books taught Jim how to read…and they also kept his dreams alive that one day he, too, would find his inner superpower.

As the years wore on, fate led Jim to a mentor, a friend’s father, who sent him on a journey to learn about his brain and learn how to use it. Little did Jim know, it would take him down the long path of discovering different learning habits, including accelerated learning systems and tactics.

Jim discovered that, no matter the circumstances, we can rebuild our brains. And after working on himself, he realized his brain was not broken…it just needed a better owner’s manual. This shattered Jim’s own limiting beliefs – and over time, it became his passion to help others do the same.

For the past three decades, Jim taught his learning techniques to students from universities such as Harvard, CalTech, and Singularity University. As well as executives and employees from companies such as Google, Virgin, Nike, Zappos, GE, 20th Century Fox, Cleveland Clinic, WordPress, and institutions like the United Nations to get the most out of work and life


Community reviews

Bianca A.
287 reviews

Long on stories and talk about celebrity friends. Long on recommending free online videos that are hour long adverts for expensive courses with zero content. The book has virtually no useful content. It’s just a very long and full marketing pamphlet. Read the work of Tony Buzan instead. more

Danielle Suarez
26 reviews

Good read Not disappointed with Kwik's book. But if you've dug the internet about him and especialy his YouTube, most notions he presents in the book are a wrap up of that together with many great book references and borrowed ideas. There's no denying he does offer some novelty and he's talented at wording it. However if you're a voracious consumer of the contemporary self-help best-sellers then you'll notice the spin-offs. The parts where he inserted self-advertisement of his other products irritated me a bit and disrupted some of the content experience for me and the 25% end of the book was just references and index (which was too much for any book I'm reading and I've put this in reviews before). more

226 reviews

The first 50% of this book is his story about wanting to be a superhero and how there’s a ‘superhero in all of us’. Ok. and then the rest of the book talks about eating healthy, sleeping well, and believing in yourself. I was stubborn enough to finish it, but I would not recommend this to others. . more

Keyo Çalî
66 reviews

I hate when the author spends half of the book writing "about the book". more

Mike Rose
13 reviews

Have you ever seen the movie Limitless. Eddie Morra(the main protagonist played by Bradley Cooper) complains about his lack of creativity in writing to Vernon, the brother of his ex-wife. Vernon wants to help and gives him an exclusive product, a pill called NZT-48, and says "They say we can only access 20 percent of our brains. well, this lets you access all of it. ". more

Valeria Lipovetsky
19 reviews

Had high hopes. Can't recommend. I felt like the book was almost completely composed of ripped off tidbits from various well known self development authors. When he does explain some of his techniques explicitly, it is as shallow of a treatment possible. The rest of the space was filled by advertisement for his online courses, which I assume is the main reason he wrote the book. more

Henrik Haapala
552 reviews

Such a great, informative book filled with research, inspiring quotes and Jim’s own personal stories to connect it all together. I finished it in 2 days and I am very familiar with Jim’s work and had heard about a lot of this book’s concept but will highly recommend it to anyone who’s looking to take ahold of their brains and understand it better. Lots of very practical and helpful tips. . more

Byeongho Ahn
26 reviews

1. Why did I select this book. I looked for books to teach me about the brain and learning faster. 2. What is the book about. more

Negar Afsharmanesh
291 reviews

It was a mediocre self-development book that might help teenagers who have difficulties in reading and studying something in general. However, this book appears to be trashy for an advanced learner. Either new insight or new technique is hardly presented in this book. One of the interesting remarks is about the amount of information that we need to make a decision in a timely manner. It is 40-70%. more

121 reviews

خب بزارید راستش رو بگم در کل کتاب خوبی بود اما به نظرم نویسنده یه سری جاها بزرگ نمایی کرده و از واقعیت دور شده. جیم( نویسنده) اول میاد ۴ تا خائن که باعث میشن ما از مغزمون در اون حد که باید نتونیم استفاده کنیم معرفی میکنه(سیلِ اطلاعات دیجیتالی، حواس‌پرتیِ دیجیتالی، فراموشیِ دیجیتالی و استنتاجِ دیجیتالی) . در درجع اول هر کدوم از اینارو تعریف میکنه و با ارائه راه حل و تمرین هایی خواننده رو دعوت میکنه که بتونه سطع استفاده از اطلاعات مغزشو ارتقاء بده و بهتر کنه. اما در چند جا میاد مغز مارو تشبیه میکنه به ابر قهرمان ها که به نظر من اینجا دور میشه از واقعیت اگر مثلا در جامعه خودمون رو درنظر بگیریم این که بخوایم خودمون رو به ابرقهرمان ها تشبیه کنیم و اون هارو با خودمون مقایسه کنیم بی فایدست چون ما هیچ وقت نمیتونیم خارق العاده باشیم. ما باید یه هدف و یه توقع معمولی از خودمون داشته باشیم به نظرم اینجا جیم خیلی کمال گرا میشه. more

Karen Ng
476 reviews

خب بذارید اینجوری شروع کنم که من همیشه نسبت به کتاب‌هایی که تیتر این‌شکلی دارن یا کلا کتاب‌ها�� مثبت اندیشی و روانشناسی زردو و اینا گارد داشتم و دارم؛ و فکرمیکردم این کتاب هم قطعا همینطوریه ولی اشتباه میکردم. نمیگم این کتاب یه شبه زندگیمو تغییر داد و از این رو به اون رو شدمو هرچی میخوام الان دارم، نه😂 ولی خب خیلی حرفای منطقی‌ای به آدم یاد میده🤔 و نکته مثبتشم همینه مثلا‌ مثل اون کتاب سمیه معجزه شکرگزاری نمیگه بشین فکرکن که همه‌چی خوبه یا هی با خودت بگو فلان و همه چیز درست میشه اتفاقا میگه خوبه که بعضی از باورهاتو تغییر بدی ولی لازمه در کنارش مثلا روزی ۱۰دقیقه وقت بذاری و فلان کارو انجام بدی برای رسیدن به چیزی که میخوای. خلاصه که اگه فکرمیکنید به دردتون میخوره پیشنهادش میکنم البته به شرطی که واقعا کارایی که میگه انجام بدید 😂 خودم هنوز به طور جدی همشو انجام ندادم ولی مثلا روش تندخوانیش و تمریناش واقعا جواب داد برای من؛ میانگین خوندنم از ۲۴۰ رسید به ۴۰۵😯حالا ترغیب شدم خرده عادت‌ها هم بخونم ببینم اون چی میگه ولی دیگه بعید میدونم برم سراغ اینجور کتابا🤔همین دیگه😃. more

Enzo Woo
51 reviews

As an intracranial bleed survivor who was in NRICU for 2 months in an induced coma at 56, who recovered 100% while also learned many new skills as Japanese, watercoloring, calligraphy, financial planning and investment strategies, Kwik's book offered nothing new while the reader was forced to know about his whole life history, his celebrity friends and of course, how amazing he is. As one broken brain(someone once insulted him with the phrase) to another: "Been there, done that, no, thank you. "There's nothing in his book one cannot learn from reading books and researches on neuroscience, cognitive reserve and brain health. Skip if you are well informed. For neuroplasticity, read books by Eagleman, Pinker and Doidge. more

42 reviews

I honestly cannot understand the hype behind this book. I found this in the bargain bin seeing the positive Amazon and Goodreads (usually much more stingy). It feels extremely Sales-pitchy and surface-level all throughout and I kept waiting for it to get better: it did not. Jim Kwik is an extremely accomplished and impressive man (clearly) but this particular book did not do it for me. The writing itself was also very “white bread” and lacking in sophistication although I have to acknowledge that there were some interesting anecdotes. more

Ammar Bassa
4 reviews

I was so excited when I started to read this book that eventually that excitedness became in boredom and an overwhelming feeling when I realized the things he was constantly promising he will teach, arrived beyond page 120. By that page I've just learned basic concepts about the brain (neuroplasticity), tons of his life stories, how he met his famous friends and how aweosome he is. I've never seen his youtube videos but I think if I did I would've saved myself reading time. Basically: the "real" book starts from page 192 and at this point I was too frustraded to learn how to learn because I lost my time on learning things that I didn't need (like why he is friends with half of hollywood). If you have patience, go ahead and read the book, but I strongly encourage you to not being afraid of skipping some parts if you feel you're losing your time or you don't know where the reading is it going. more

Jenny Baker
1347 reviews

Want to cut your studying time in half. I have a good news, you can do more than that for free. It's time to actually learn super-memory techniques through practical exercises and check your feedback immediately. The Mnemonic Symbolism book is available for free from dec 15th up to 18th, good luck https://amzn. to/3gV7Esz. more

Mohsen M.B
226 reviews

Disappointing. He basically regurgitates common sense stuff and information from other sources such as:1) Dandapani2) Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience3 Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything4) Change Your Brain, Change Your Life: The Breakthrough Program for Conquering Anxiety, Depression, Obsessiveness, Anger, and Impulsiveness5) Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything6) The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business 7) Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad OnesIf you read those books, you already know 80% of the content. The rest is filled with acronyms and fluff. more

Raz Pirata
70 reviews

ان‌قدر از خودش و کتابش تعریف کرده که آدم می‌خواد بالا بیاره. بخش اول کتاب (تقریبا ۷۰ صفحه) کلا مقدمه است که می‌خوام این و اون رو بگم و این‌طوری بخونین و من خیلی خوبم. فقط سیصد بار می‌گه «فلانی که مهمون پادکست من بوده. » ولی خب، انصاف داشته باشیم، مطالب خوب هم داشت فقط نیاز نبود سیصد صفحه بنویسه. توی صد صفحه هم می‌شد جمعش کرد. more

64 reviews

“We’ve learned more about the brain in the past decade than in the previous course of history. ”Maybe once upon a time, while amid a daydream you imagined that you had a photographic memory and with that photographic memory you had the key to unlock the dreams of your choice. It abounds wealth, friends and lovers abundant, fame and appreciation rained down on you like confetti. Well, this is the life of Jim Kwik. You were dreaming you were him. more

Viktor Stoyanov
372 reviews

A written version of the podcastIf you listen to the podcast, you already have all the information needed from this book. If you haven't listened to the podcast and you get value out of reading, then you will find some value in this book. Be warned: A LOT OF ACRONYMS involved with this book. As an aside, some of our moms were horrible people and we'd rather not remember them even if it is a memory device. Really, save yourself the money and listen to the podcast. more

Mahdiye HajiHosseini
438 reviews

Limitless . като във филма, ама не баш. По принцип имам лека форма на алергия към книги за самоусъвършенстване, а тук я изпитах само на моменти (ще се опитам да изброя кои), така че да кажем: - Не почувствах да ми умират мозъчни клетки, в опит да отключа потенциала на останалите, заспали блажен зимен сън, . което е постижение достатъчно, че да се отдели време и за ревю. Пък и да прецените дали ще ви е от полза. more

Miguel Siller
62 reviews

کتاب‌های خودیاری زیادی نبودن که بتونن به من کمک کنن اما این تونست. این دو روزی که خوندم تغییرات محسوسی تو زندگیم به وجود اوردم و مطئنم میتونم بهشون پایبند بمونم، به این معنی نیست که این کتاب معجزه میکنه یا روش‌های خارق‌العاده‌ای توشه، فقط مجموعه‌ای از همه روش‌های یادگیری‌ای که اتفاقا خیلیاشونو به ما اموزش دادن رو جمع کرده. چیزی که برای من متفاوت کرد این کتابو این بود که بهم نشون داد چرا بهشون نیاز دارم و بهم نشون داد به چی نیاز دارم تا راحت‌تر کنترل کنم خودم رو. تا راحت‌تر تاثیر بذارم. خوندن این کتاب برای من یه تحربه موفق و مفید بود برای دیگران ممکنه نباشه. more

139 reviews

I am not being totally fair with three stars, I kind of speed read through the whole book and might have missed important information, but it is mostly a recollection of Kwik's online content, YouTube and Podcasts. There is little new information, just some extra advice in tips and some changes in acronyms. Anyway I believe Jim is one of the best mind coaches out there, his message is clear as well as the results. I'm just saying that the book is quite repetitive if you already follow Jim and other Mind Hack techniques. I definitely recommend people getting this book if you want to improve your memory, learning capacity, brain health, and speed reading. more

Kaspars Breidaks
21 reviews

If you can skip around some (ok, I think it's a little more than "some") fillers, this book is ok. There are several really useful memory techniques which I'll put into practice. And I'll never forget, without using those techniques, that reading Jim's childhood story is really touching and inspiring. more

380 reviews

Ļoti laba, saturīga un vērtīga grāmata. Daudzus padomus jau esmu ieviesis savā ikdienā. “It’s not “How smart you are. ” But “How are you smart. ”. more

Fateme Najafi
77 reviews

۳. ۵ ستاره. more

Hetal Sonpal
332 reviews

اینقدر اغراق داشت که با خوندن چند فصل اول فهمیدم این کتاب کتابی نیست که بتونم از خوندنش لذت ببرم یا بتونم ازش تو زندگی خودم استفاده کنم ولی ادامه دادم تا با اطمینان بیشتری بگم خوندنش رو به هیچ‌وجه توصیه نمی‌کنم و به نظرم اورریتده. نقد من به کتاب:‌ https://virgool. io/taaghche/book-limi. لینک طاقچه:‌ https://taaghche. com/book/83134/ . more

Robin Tobin (On the back porch reading)
910 reviews

This is totally crap work. total waste of time. He is marketer par excellence. just writes a book to promote his video. Ever paragraph has a reference of another book and author. more

Nastaran Najafi
39 reviews

Everyone should read this book. There will be some technique that will help you with learning, remembering, studying, reading faster. This book is a life changer. . more

Hana Zet
213 reviews

٣. ٥ ⭐️ . more


Na úvod jedna podstatná informácia - nevyhľadávam motivačné knihy. Nie som cieľovka, nefunguje na mňa ten štýl. Čo ale vyhľadávam a rada čítam, sú knihy o psychike a psychológii, mozgu, duševnom či fyzickom zdraví. Jim Kwik žne u nás samé chvály a tešila som sa, že mi parádne rozšíri obzory. A. more

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