The Midwife of Auschwitz

Anna Stuart

Auschwitz, 1943: As I held the tiny baby in my arms, my fingers traced the black tattoo etched across her little thigh. And I prayed that one day this set of numbers, identical to her mother’s, would have the power to reunite a family torn apart by war…Inspired by an incredible true story, this poignant novel tells of one woman’s fight for love, life and hope during a time of unimaginable darkness. Ana Kaminski is pushed through the iron gates of Auschwitz beside her frightened young friend Ester Pasternak. more

Historical FictionFictionHistoricalWorld War IIHolocaustWarBook ClubAudiobookJewishAdult Fiction

348 pages, Kindle Edition
First published Bookouture







230 people reading

Anna Stuart

20 books 270 followers

I wanted to be an author from the moment I could pick up a pen and was writing boarding-school novels by the age of nine. I made the early mistake of thinking I ought to get a ‘proper job’ and went into Factory Planning – a career that gave me some wonderful experiences, amazing friends and even a fantastic husband, but didn’t offer much creative scope. So when I stopped to have children I took the chance to start the ‘improper job’ of writing. During the baby years I wrote in the brief gaps provided by sleeps, playschools and obliging grandparents, publishing short stories and serials in all the women’s magazines.

But my ultimate aim was to write longer fiction and several years ago I published a series of successful historical novels under the pseudonym Joanna Courtney. I will continue to publish under that name but am delighted, as Anna Stuart, to also be able to write contemporary fiction. Bonnie and Stan is a true to life romance set in both the present day and sixties Liverpool and Four Minutes to Save a Life is a domestic drama about how small acts of kindness might just change the world!


Community reviews

610 reviews

*Inspired by a true story. I think books inspired by true stories are the very best kind. Knowing that there were those who lived similar lives, that they overcame great odds, that they rose above and that they dared to do still hope when all hope was gone. Try reading this book and not feeling for the characters and their quiet strength. Auschwitz, 1943 Two friends, Anna Kaminski and Ester Pasternak enter the gates of Auschwitz. more

4377 reviews

Firstly I would like to Thank Netgalley and Bookoutune and the author for a copy of this book to read. This book will be reviewed on goodreads and Amazon. This book starts with hope a wedding,which didnt go to plan. The war had started Ana a midwife with her strong friendship with Ester really shows in this book. From losing there homes going into a Ghetto and the horrifying things that follow in the camps. more

Allison Faught
349 reviews

Ester and her new husband Filip Pasternak, along with their parents and siblings, were rounded up and sent to the new Ghetto in Lotz as the Germans infiltrated the town more and more. Their home was given to the troops while they had to live all together, including with strangers, in a different house within the Ghetto. Midwife, Ana Kaminski, Ester’s good friend, was Polish, against Ester and her family’s Jewish ancestry, so Ana and her family were outside the Ghetto in their own home. But when Ana and her sons decided to help the Jews as much as they could, they brought danger to their door. When the Germans caught the Poles helping the Jews, the repercussions were immediate. more

Shirley Chapel
626 reviews

Before starting this book, or any book about the Holocaust, make sure you are in a good headspace. These books are obviously very heavy and of course the trigger warnings are endless. I really loved this book because it the love the two main characters had for each other and their families was beautiful. They had such a wonderful friendship to keep them sane during such a time where it’s impossible to be. I will say that I don’t know too much about history but this really had me researching the Holocaust, WWII and the aftermath. more

Lavinia Reads
271 reviews

If I were able to give this book more than five stars I certainly would. Not since reading The Hiding Place by Holocaust survivor Corrie Ten Boom have I read such a well researched and realistic book about life behind the locked gates and barb wire fences of a Nazi Jewish concentration and extermination camp. This is a fiction story about a part of world history that actually happened during WWII. I was completely drawn into this book almost from the beginning. There was one part of this story that I wished would have made the ending have a different outcome but not wanting to be a spoiler I’m not going to share here what it was. more

Lucia Nieto Navarro
906 reviews

O poveste sfâșietoare despre crimele din Al Doilea Război Mondial. O carte care vorbește despre ce s-a întâmplat cu adevărat în lagărele de concentrare, despre ce condiții erau, cât de cruzi erau oamenii, etc. Îmi plac ficțiunile istorice. Îmi plac fiindcă mă readuc la realitate. Chiar dacă a fost cu ani în urmă, a fost și va rămâne un episod îngrozitor din istoria omenirii. more

521 reviews

4,5Todas las historias basadas en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, cuando Hitler intentó exterminar al pueblo judío, siempre son horribles, desgarradoras, angustiosas… y hay pocos autores que puedan escribir sobre esta época, contando detalles duros e inquietantes y que a su vez cree una historia de fuerza, de resilencia, de mujeres fuertes… y esta autora ha conseguido eso en esta novela. No es común ver en este tipo de novelas el duro tema de los niños en los campos de concentración, es un tema bastante delicado, un tema que puede costar leer, pero a la vez un tema “bonito” para aquellas madres que tuvieron, aunque sea por un momento, algo de felicidad, y algo por lo que luchar en aquella situación. Ana es una cristiana sospechosa de estar en la resistencia ayudando al pueblo judío, una comadrona que trajo al mundo a Ester. Ester es una chica judía, enfermera, que con el comienzo de la guerra será deportada a un gueto para vivir con su familia, pero que acabará junto con Ana en Auschwitz-Birkenau. Ambas coincidirán en este campo de concentración y ambas ayudarán a las madres del campo de concentración durante sus embarazos y el parto. more

Deanne Patterson
2039 reviews

Otro libro sobre Holocausto, no lo puedo evitar me gustan a pesar de la crudeza y brutalidad del temaEste libro en particular se basa en un personaje real que fue partera de profesión y ayudó a nacer a muchos bebés en el campo de concentración en el que fue recluida no por ser judía, sino por ayudarles. El programa Lebensborn que crueldad de separar a los niños rubios para darlos a familias alemanas al ver que en el frente estaban perdiendo a muchos de sus soldados. digamos que era una oportunidad para esos bebés ya que de otra forma lo más seguro es que hubieran muerto, pero aun así es espantoso; me hubiera gustado que ahondara un poco más en esta temáticaAhora bien, el libro tiene algunos detalles de traducción, no asi como para decir que espanto de traducción no se deja leer, pero si al grado de que te descoloque un poco y al menos yo tener que releer para entender mejorAna. maravillosa, me encantó su personaje Ester. si bien este personaje es completamente ficticio en los apuntes históricos cuenta la autora que intentó darle vida a la hija de la partera, aun así no fue un hitazo como lo fue el personaje de Ana. more

Karen R
860 reviews

Blog Post here https://veganbookblogger. wordpress. co. Though this book was so hard to read I am so glad the author has written it. We need to never forget those who were tortured during the Holocaust. more

Yvonne G
359 reviews

The Midwife of Auschwitz, Anna Stuart, 31 May 2022‘If we join there Resistance, we may lose our lives. ” And if we do not,’ we may lose our souls. ” The Midwife of Auschwitz is a remarkable heart aching story set in one of the darkest periods in history. Inspired by a true story, it is beautifully written, involves citizens heroically putting their lives in harm’s way to help others and it took my breath away. I received a complimentary copy of this book. more

201 reviews

“One woman’s fight for love, life and hope during a time of unimaginable darkness”When writing a review, it is all too easy to churn out those much used epithets such as ‘heart-breaking’, ‘heart-wrenching’, or ‘a tear-jerker’ and whilst this book falls into all these categories and so many more besides, I genuinely do defy even the most stalwart reader, not to shed a tear or two over this storyline. Whether you read it first, as I did, or when you have finished the book, you really do need to check out the ‘Historical Notes’ addendum. It explains clearly, the synergy between actual events and characters, which have been so well researched and then sympathetically and painstakingly rendered into this WWII fictional tour de force, which absolutely demands undivided attention and quality reading time…It is not often that wartime fictional stories, which are largely centred around Nazi labour camps, are narrated almost exclusively from a female perspective. A brave gambit by the author, which she has executed to perfection and with total empathy, highlighting a storyline which definitely needed to be told and that held me in thrall from the very first sentence, to the very final word. I had never really given any thought to the need for midwives in the concentration camps and the ensuing emotional agony of mothers who did, by some miracle, happen to survive childbirth, only to have their babies so cruelly snatched away from them. more

1023 reviews

Am crezut că am citit destule cărți despre Holocaust și că nu mă mai poate surprinde niciuna, însă m-am înșelat. Această carte nu doar că m-a surprins, dar m-a și revoltat (poate mai rău decât multe dintre cărțile pe care le-am citit despre acest subiect). O carte traumatizantă despre viața femeilor însărcinate de la Auschwitz. Stilul descriere a fost superb, plin de sensibilitate. Filip is my sweetheart. more

238 reviews

Como ya sabéis estoy "obsesionada" con la II Guerra Mundial. Libro que pillo, libro que leo. Pero aunque parezca increíble siempre hay un peor en los crímenes nazis. Esta es la historia de una enfermera judía y una comadrona cristiana que por distintas vicisitudes van a parar a Auschwitz. Allí fueronasignadas a la maternidad. more

☆☆☆Bibliolatrist Jordan☆☆☆
222 reviews

Esta historia te llevará a sentir un torbellino de emociones. Lo importante de rescatar es la esperanza y el único sentido de vida de las protagonistas, que es sobrevivir para encontrar a sus seres queridos. Conmovedora y extraordinaria lectura. more

Danni May
147 reviews

Overall: ☆☆☆☆☆ (4. 8)Writing style: ☆☆☆☆☆Entertainment :☆☆☆☆Characters:☆☆☆☆☆Plot:☆☆☆☆☆Ending:☆☆☆☆☆ Thank you Anna Stuart, Bookouture, and Netgalley for the opportunity to receive an advance readers copy in exchange for an honest review. The entire WW2 history, as Hitler's regime attempted to exterminate Jewish people at all costs, is always heart wrenching,  dispiriting, and distressing to read. And few authors can paint a picture of this time, with such vivid, disturbing details, but also while creating a beautiful story of love, strength, and resilience.   However, Anna Stuart succeeds at that in her novel The Midwife of Auchwitz. more

Gabriela Arapu
51 reviews

It’s hard for me to review this book. On one hand the content of this book is heartbreaking. We all know the history of WWII and the atrocities that happened to all the poor victims of this war. Life inside Auschwitz/ Birkenau was horrifying and to hear about what happened to the mothers and pregnant woman in that camp was inhumane. With that being said I did not enjoy this book. more

2203 reviews

Este o carte extraordinar de sensibila și emoționantă și foarte frumos scrisa și foarte bine documentata. Este genul de carte care te va pune mereu pe gânduri aproape la fiecare capitol parcurs. Mi-au dat lacrimile de multe ori citind-o și am sa ma gândesc mult timp la ea. 🎊 Felicitări Autoarei. Ar merita 7 steluțe. more

584 reviews

The Midwife of Auschwitzby Anna Stuart is a gripping and suspenseful WWII-era historical fiction that will keep one interested from beginning to end. This book alternates between two different women, Ana and Ester, and through two women initially different and who’s paths cross during times of war, we can see the, and sometimes almost feel the atrocities, hurt, loss, fear, and sadness that occurred to so many innocent people at the hands of the Germans. Through it all however, we can also see bravery, friendship, sacrifice, love, and hope…and know that at the end, those will triumph. 4/5 stars Thank you NG and Bookouture for this wonderful arc and in return I am submitting my unbiased and voluntary review and opinion. I am posting this review to my GR and Bookbub accounts immediately and will post it to my Amazon, Instagram, and B&N accounts upon publication on 5/31/22. more

Oscar Lozano
332 reviews

Hace algunos años leía muchas novelas relacionadas con el holocausto judio y los campos de concentración. Pero con el tiempo me he ido haciendo cada vez más alérgica a ese nuevo género que ahora puede encontrarse prácticamente en cualquier librería o gran superficie que cuente con una sección de libros: el de las novelas en cuyos títulos aparece algún tipo de trabajo junto al nombre de Auschwitz. Yo no creo que sea una corriente irrespetuosa con uno de los genocidios más conocidos y terribles que ha conocido la humanidad. Más bien me parece, como tantas cosas en este mundo, una vía más del capitalismo lector bajo una forma en que ofrece al público lector una invitación a echar un vistazo desde un puesto cómodo y lejano a la más honda y corrupta oscuridad que alguna vez hayan albergado los limites de la historia . Una forma más de usar la tragedia y el horror para captar al público, aderezando la tragedia con grandes dosis de melodrama que tiene el aliciente de estar condimentado con hechos reales. more

345 reviews

Anna Stuart, la autora, relata con crudeza y elegancia un triste episodio para la Humanidad, el genocidio judío en Polonia que llevaron a cabo los nazis, y con especial virulencia y sadismo, y el valor y la fuerza de voluntad de quienes lo vivieron y sobrevivieron, en el campo de concentración de Auschwitz-Birkenau. Dividiendo la novela en tres partes, desarrolla en cada una de ellas el ascenso y/o llegada de los alemanes a Polonia en 1940, y su invasión consecuente. Es en la segunda donde se adentra con más profundidad en el campo de exterminio. Y la tercera revela la caída del tercer Reich y su imperio de crueldad, así como la vuelta a casa de los supervivientes. Pues bien, es en la primera parte donde se nos presenta a las dos protagonistas de la novela; dos enfermeras, una judía (Ester) y otra cristiana (Ana), pero, sin embargo, amigas. more

el_paraiso_en_letras Fani.
509 reviews

This was a very difficult book to read. But while it was heartbreaking, it was also beautiful. Ana, a midwife living in Poland in 1943, finds herself a prisoner in the Auschwitz concentration camp. Alongside her is her dear friend and fellow nurse, Ester. Together they must face the barbaric cruelties inflicted by the Nazis. more

1266 reviews

¿Alguna vez os ha pasado comenzar un libro y en las primeras páginas saber que será un 5 estrellas. Siempre voy con miedo cuando leo libros de la segunda guerra mundial ya que he leído muchísimos pero aún así siguen apareciendo joyas como estas y en apenas 86 páginas sabes que te encantará porque ya ha sido capaz de emocionarte desde el minuto uno. ·Este libro nos habla de dos enfermeras, por un lado tenemos a Ana, basada en un personaje real, es cristiana pero su familia es sospechosa de estar en la resistencia, se dedica a traer niños al mundo y eso será lo que le hará que nunca se rinda. Por otro lado tenemos a Ester, enfermera y judía, conoceremos su historia de amor en tiempo donde los nazis aún estaban por llegar y viviremos como ella y su familia es apartada y llevada a los guetos judíos. A partir de aquí ambas amigas se encontraran en el tren camino a los campos de trabajo. more

1571 reviews

I am excited to be taking part in the #BooksOnTour #BlogTour for Anna Stuart's heartwrenching tale THE MIDWIFE OF AUSCHWITZ. As much as I have enjoyed Anna Stuart's "based on true stories" tales woven with fiction, I found THE MIDWIFE OF AUSCHWITZ an incredibly heartbreaking one to read. Although all stories about the Holocaust the the crimes against humanity are just as heartbreaking, I am finding it incresingly difficult to read them. However, as difficult as it was to read this one, I'm glad I did. It was a different tale although it began like any other Holocaust story with Jews being ripped of their identities, moved into stinking ghettos before being deported to death camps or the like. more

Kathryn, the_naptime_reader
1077 reviews

“Compliance is but a shield. We will walk these streets with our heads bowed to their ridiculous orders, but underground…”This five-star novel was inspired by the real-life story of the valiant Stanislawa Leszczyńska, a Polish Catholic woman who assisted at the births of over 3,000 children during her time in the notorious death camp, Auschwitz. Ana Kaminski declares herself a midwife and Ester Pasternak, her assistant when they arrive in Auschwitz. They are sent to the maternity ‘ward’ – a place like no other to welcome the gift of life. Her story of what happened here is a testament to the resistance of a small group of women who were determined to help their fellow prisoners. more

330 reviews

I have such conflicting feelings about this book, but overall it was just ok for me. On the one hand I can appreciate how historical fiction can help us access events, and people, and time periods of the past, to help us wonder and understand. In the case of the Holocaust, it was Lois Lowry’s book Number the Stars that helped me first access these events as a 4th grade. However, now I find that more and more I think centering the voices of the survivors is more important than these fictionalized accounts. Reading Wiesel’s Night, Irene Nèmirovsky’s Suite Francaise, Corrie TenBoom’s The Hiding Place, or Samuel Harris’s book Sammy, belong in the limelight. more

linda hole
330 reviews

Thank you Netgalley and publisher for an ARC in exchange for my honest review. This ended up being a 3 star read. There are a few reasons on how I came to this rating. Firstly, the writing was a little flat and choppy. There were also a lot of run on sentences happening in Part One which really didn't help me as a reader. more

Molly K
288 reviews

Omg the book broke my heart. more

1600 reviews

I find it tricky to review books such as this because of the natural sensitivity around the subject matter, but this was one of the best. This was an absolutely stunning piece of literature, it pulled me out of a reading slump and bought me to tears. ‘The Midwife of Auschwitz’ follows two women and their miraculous survival of the Holocaust, as they worked as midwives whilst imprisoned in Auschwitz. As you would expect, this story is one that is heart wrenching and almost unbelievable - fiction* at its very best where the description and the dialogue feels so intensely real. The tragedy mixed with a tale of friendship, survival and motherhood. more

Anita Vela
465 reviews

BLOG TOUR REVIEW Review for 'The Midwife Of Aushcwitz' by Anna Stuart. Read and reviewed via NetGalley for Anna Stuart, Bookouture publishers and Bookouture anonymous Publication date 31st May 2022. This is the first book I have read by this author. I was originally drawn to this book by its eye catching unique cover and intriguing sounding synopsis and title. The synopsis stated that 'Fans of The Tattooist of Auschwitz, The Alice Network and The Nightingale will be gripped. more


4’5 estrellasPuf, leer una historia basada en el Holocausto es muy duro, pero parece que me gusta sufrir porque me encantan estas historia y esta no ha sido menos… Me ha partido el alma en mil pedazos, pero es una gran historia que he disfrutado (y sufrido mucho). Esta historia es ficción, no está basada en supervivientes de la SGM, pero sí que la autora se ha inspirado en varixs de ellxs para contar cómo (sobre)vivían las madres y lxs recién nacidos en los campos de concentración. Como podéis imaginar, es una historia bastante dura… y duele demasiado. Pero, merece mucho la pena leerla. En cuanto a los personajes, en mi opinión, están muy bien creados al punto que consigue dar voz a todas las mamás que sufriendo aquella barbarie y te meten de lleno en la historia. more

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