Mrs Van Gogh

Caroline Cauchi

She’s been painted out of history…until nowWho tells her story. In 1890, Vincent Van Gogh dies penniless, unknown, a man tortured by his own mind. Eleven years later his work is exhibited in Paris and his unparalleled talent finally recognised. more

Historical FictionArtHistoricalFictionAudiobook19th CenturyRomanFrance

481 pages, Kindle Edition
First published







230 people reading

Caroline Cauchi

1 books 20 followers


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1571 reviews

Mrs. Van Gogh reimagines the life of Johanna Gezina Bonger, a woman, who cared about Vincent van Gogh’s talent and did everything possible that his work wouldn’t be forgotten. 1888. When Jo, as she is known, visits her brother in Paris for the summer, she experiences something new. Her brother is part of the Parisian artistic circle, and introduces Jo to Van Gogh brothers. more

915 reviews

This was an amazing book. To give you some insight into where my opinion comes from, you need to know that I’m a Van Gogh fan, I'm not an artist. I’ve read countless historical fiction novels about him, been to the Hermitage to see his paintings, to Arles to have coffee in Cafe Van Gogh, see more paintings and visit the hospital he was taken to after he cut off a piece of his ear, to Montmartre to see where he and his brother, Theo, lived and been twice to view a 'Dutch masters' visiting collection in Vancouver, all in an effort to appreciate his art. It always amazes me that such brilliance and talent were only discovered after his death. When Vincent Van Gogh died in 1890, he was almost penniless and had only sold one painting. more

1313 reviews

DISCLAIMER: I am not an art historian, I am a lover of art and have read biographies of artists of interest to me. I happen to be a lover of Vincent Van Gogh's work and have read enough to know something of his sister-in-law Johanna and how she was instrumental in bringing Vincent’s work to the public. Even historical fiction necessitates some semblance of truth behind the story. I seriously question the author’s motives in writing this book. Other than trading on the name of a long dead famous artist this book has no merit. more

197 reviews

Mrs Van Gogh is the story of Johanna Bonger who married Theo Van Gogh, Vincent’s brother. After Vincent’s death and then Theo’s six months later she became the owner of most of Vincent’s artwork including paintings, sketches and his letters. It is through her efforts that Vincent Van Gogh is so well known. The second half of this book is wonderful, powerful and emotional, basically from her marriage to Theo, the birth of her son, Vincent’s deterioration and death, but it is all in a rush compared to the first half of the book (which as the author admits in her afterward is almost completely fictional) which tells of Johanna’s arrival in Paris and courtship with Theo. It just drags, but I kept reading knowing it had to get interesting at some stage. more

Helen - Great Reads & Tea Leaves
966 reviews

Johanna van Gogh-Bonger, or Jo, was born in an era when women had few rights or means by which to earn a living. Men, the powerbrokers and gatekeepers, scoffed at the idea that a woman could be a professional of any kind. Yet, when Jo was widowed in 1891 with a small child to raise, she defied Victorian norms and became a promotional phenom. Through determination and perseverance, she pushed her brother-in-law’s name and art into the public eye. In November 2022, Vincent van Gogh’s 1888 painting Orchard with Cypresses sold for $117 million. more

Louise Wilson
3046 reviews

‘I’m going to bring Vincent van Gogh’s art to the world. I’ll let others see his genius. ’Most of us know, of course, of Vincent Van Gogh. Many of us know that his work did not become famous until after his death. Then why - I ask myself - have I never asked the question: who was responsible for presenting his art to the world. more

797 reviews

3. 5 stars rounded upIn 1890, Vincent Van Gogh dies penniless, unknown, a man tortured by his own mind. Eleven years later his work is exhibited in Paris and his unparalleled talent finally recognised. The tireless efforts of one woman gave the world one of its greatest creative minds. But twenty-eight-year-old Joanna Van Gogh-Binger, Vincent's sister-in-law and keeper of his immense collection of paintings, sketches and letters, has, until now, been written out of history. more

2204 reviews

3. 5⭐️. more

1411 reviews

Caroline Cauchi is also known as Caroline Smailes, and Caroline Wallace. I have been reading and loving her books for many years now. She writes in such an eclectic style, contemporary fiction, experimental fiction, and now, with Mrs Van Gogh, she's penned a wonderful, vibrant and utterly engrossing novel of historical fiction. I'm a sucker for historical fiction that is based upon real life people and Johanna Van Gogh-Bonger was certainly a woman who acted, spoke and behaved well before her time. The wife of Vincent Van Gogh's older brother Theo, it is Johanna who ensured that Vincent's works of art were brought to the public's attention, after he died. more

629 reviews

A fictional story based on fact this was a fascinating read. The addendum at the end of the book explains how much was based on fact and what was poetic licence, and there was a lot of the latter. Well written and I found it a wonderfully insightful story about a woman ahead of her time in many ways. Mrs Van Gogh nee Johanna Bonger married Theo Van Gogh, Vincent’s older brother and, despite Vincent’s at the time despicable behaviour towards her, treated him as her brother. Briefly, after Vincent was ‘exiled’ to Arles, after exhibiting unacceptable behaviour in Paris, he started painting brighter works of nature but his psychotic episodes grew worse and after a disagreement with his friend Gauguin cut off part of his own ear. more

Cindy Spear
350 reviews

I am a fan of historical fiction and thought from the description of this book it may be something I’d enjoy, although it’s fair to say I don’t really know much about Vincent Van Gogh or his brother Theo. I thoroughly enjoyed this gem of a read, and was captivated by the story the author told. I think she introduced the characters and set the scenes really well, and certainly grabbed my interest and attention right from the start. I felt her characters were portrayed so well they became so vividly alive and literally jumped out of the pages and I could imagine them in my mind when reading. The authors writing style was excellent, the story easy to follow and I thought the book flowed seamlessly. more

2482 reviews

This is a stunning and incredibly colourful portrayal of the Van Gogh brothers and the woman Johanna Bonger who tried to keep it all together in this mad and mesmerising world of artists and dealers. The language is exquisite, the descriptions breathtaking and the comparisons riveting. Caroline Cauchi knows how to capture the reader’s attention with her vivid and original imaginings of what might have happened during the years when Johanna was a part of their lives. When Johanna’s brother Andries introduces her to the Van Gogh brothers, she is thrust into a bizarre world. Jo originally wants to be an artist but does not have the confidence in her abilities. more

Lotte Leenaerts
138 reviews

3. 5 stars. An interesting novel about Theo Van Gogh’s wife and her experiences with Vincent Van Gogh and Theo. The majority of the novel is about Mrs. Van Gogh’s life in the months prior to marrying Theo, her pregnancy, the death of Vincent, then the death of Theo. more

Jessi - Jessisreadingbetweenthewines
441 reviews

Cauchi schetst een heerlijk portret (haha, get it. ) van een vrouw die in de marge geduwd wordt van een man die zij zelf groot maakt. Is dit boek iets voor jou. JA, als je houdt van sterke vrouwelijke personages in een historische setting en verhalen die gebaseerd zijn op waargebeurde feiten. NEE, als je je laat leiden door de achterflap en denkt dat je een boek gaat lezen dat zich voornamelijk afspeelt na de dood van Vincent Van Gogh. more

154 reviews

3. 5 rounded upPub day: 1-30-2023I loved how this started and the important light shined upon the female artists in Paris in the late 1800s. I’d heard about women like Camille Claudel and Berthe Morisot, but I really didn’t know much about them. This book takes a deeper look at the women who were overlooked in those very patriarchal times. And that of course led me down rabbit holes of research that was so enlightening. more

540 reviews

Gave up on this early into the story. It didn't ring true to me, so I looked at other sources and found the author has changed many details about Johanna's and Theo's courtship and Johanna's contacts with Vincent. This is fiction, of course, but it strayed too far from Johanna's story to make me question whether the rest of the novel would similarly be a problem. . more

1 reviews

‘I would think it dreadful to have to say at the end of my life: “I’ve actually lived for nothing, I have achieved nothing great or noble”…’ - Johanna Bonger, aged seventeen (March 26, 1880)Vincent Van Gogh died in 1890, penniless and unknown. Eleven years later his work is exhibited in Paris and finally he is recognised for the great talent he was and goes on to become one of the worlds most renown artists. All the result of the tireless efforts of one woman, Johanna Van Gogh-Bonger, the wife of Vincent’s brother, Theo Van Gogh, and the custodian of Vincent’s immense collection of letters, sketches and paintings. Mrs Van Gogh is her story. But let’s be clear from the start, the account of her life before November 1888 is the work of Caroline Couchi’s imagination. more

35 reviews

la prima cosa che mi ha colpito di questo libro è la cura nella descrizione dei dettagli di quegli anni precedenti alla belle époque ma che ne anticipano l’avvento. allo stesso modo il personaggio di jo è ben strutturato e mi sono ritrovata in lei per molti aspetti, il suo amore per l’arte, la letteratura ma anche il suo carattere ambizioso e la mentalità anticonformista. è un libro, questo, che ti entra dentro e che ti fa vivere il romanzo stesso, a partire dall’amore che sboccia tra johanna e théo all’affetto fraterno che c’è con i rispettivi fratelli; ancora i momenti di pazzia di vincent, che ne preannunciano la morte, così come il dolore che attraverserà la protagonista assieme alla famiglia che si è creata. è un libro struggente e al tempo stesso intrigante, il racconto di vite che si intrecciano e si mescolano, di sorrisi e lacrime amare. ti fa vivere ogni attimo come fossi accanto ai personaggi, ecco perché lo ho amato. more

Emma Boylan
70 reviews

Als ik de reviews lees klopt de inhoud van dit boek historisch gezien voor geen meter. So be it. Ik heb ervan genoten en heb er hier en daar toch wat van geleerd. Het was een heerlijke roman, met een historisch én hysterisch tintje. more

9 reviews

Have always been fascinated by the story of Van Gogh so really wanted to enjoy this book. and fortunately I did. more

274 reviews

Dit boek beschrijft het leven van de schoonzus van Vincent van Gogh. Je leest het alsof je de van Goghs persoonlijk kent. Historische context is realistisch, Parijs aan het eind van de 19e eeuw waarin de positie van de vrouw ondergeschikt was in alles. . more

452 reviews

I just couldn't get myself to like this book, and I was so excited about it. I wish my cover looked like the one on Goodreads at least it would make for a beautiful coffee table book. Maybe I'll pick it up sometime in the future but as for not it's a DNF. . more

216 reviews

This read was very dear to my heart having visited the graveside and church, Auvers-sur-Oise where the Van Gogh brothers are buried. Walking into the church brought to my imagination what Vincent Van Gogh may have felt, a beautiful church, serene and in a beautiful part of France, (even when I visited early 2000's). The read is a tribute to Johanna Van Gogh-Bonger relating her story from a personal perspective, a young woman well educated and a multilingual scholar but for which also brings to mind yet again the futility of female life at that time, the lack of recognition as being able to construct abstract thoughts, problem solve and add balance to what in the Van Gogh household was one of constant turmoil created by lies, innuendo, insecure personalities and inherited madness exacerbated by alcohol. "Jo" escapes her puritan Dutch family by moving to Paris to be with her brother who has promised that he will find his sister an appropriate husband. As most know, Paris at the time was one of an artists' free society, debauchery and drunkenness all on the menu, amazing Jo who starts to discard her puritan ways . more

182 reviews

I mentioned to someone I was reading "Mrs Van Gogh" and they immediately said "I thought he never married. ". And therein lies the reason for this historical fiction work about the other Mr Van Gogh's wife. Mrs. Van Gogh is the story of Johanna Bonger, who becomes Mrs. more

337 reviews

She had me at the words Van Gogh. This book offered a fictional glimpse into the life of Theo’s wife- her past, present and the future she sets in motion. Jo is a great character- full of flaws, but willing to examine them and move forward with them. I would definitely recommend this for any Van Gogh fan. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read Mrs. more

128 reviews

*Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for providing an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review*I was excited to get this book, Jo Bonger is such a fascinating person, and I was looking forward to how her story would be told. However, there was a lot in this story that gave me pause, and this feeling of confusion and unease was not made any better after reading the author's note. This book follows Jo's life, starting with her trip to Paris where she first meets Theo and Vincent, through to the end of her life. The majority of the book is about this first 2 or 3 years of her knowing the Van Gogh brothers, which makes for a pretty slow story, until about halfway through when the author begins speed running through, what I would argue, is some of the most fascinating parts of Bonger's life. There's a lot of focus on the will they won't they between Jo and Theo, as well as relationship struggles with Vincent, much of which i'm not entirely sure are accurate and I felt the focus on it was too strong when there was plenty of other material (the author admits that some of these years were not well documented) that could've been used instead. more

1305 reviews

Abandoned this one at 15%, a first for me. This was obviously made with love, but I’m allergic to it. This kind of melodramatic historical fanfiction that needlessly wishy-washies the day-to-day with saccharine fluff while ALSO taking itself so seriously that it doesn’t allow for any ACTUAL FUN is my kryptonite. 100 pages in and I don’t think there was a single joke in here. No mention of IRL Bonger’s spunky personality, no acknowledgement of the objectively funny circumstances, only descriptions of Dresses and Boy Troubles and the occasional “Oh Yeah Fuck Bonger-Van Gogh was a feminist wasn’t she I should talk about women for a second shouldnt I. more

24 reviews

Surprising, clever and beguiling, Mrs. Van Gogh is a Historical Fiction based on true people and events. Though we have all heard of the ingenious and disturbed Vincent Van Gogh, how much do we really know of Johanna Bonger who married Vincent's brother, Theo. This fascinating story is about love, loss, mental and physical illness and the tireless drive of a woman who strove to get Vincent's paintings noticed and keep them relevant. She was successful in her quest as the paintings have sold for millions and millions of pounds and his art continues to be studied, vilified and admired. more

947 reviews

Mi è bastato vedere la copertina per capire che questo libro doveva essere mio. Da estimatrice di Van Gogh non potevo esimermi, e infatti sono venuta a conoscenza di molte cose, alcune anche un po' scomode. Il libro è drammatico e triste, la figura di Vincent viene dipinta senza fronzoli. Un uomo malato, depresso, sofferente a causa della solitudine e della costante sensazione di essere incompreso. Tuttavia, non si capisce fino in fondo se il disprezzo della gente abbia scalfito oppure no la sua autostima di pittore. more


This is the second book I’ve read this year on Johanna Bonger Van Gogh, sister-in-law to Vincent and the woman who made him famous. This is by far the better novel, better researched, better set historically, robust emotional and reflective life of the title character, much richer all around. Though there is a lot unknown, there is a lot that is known through letters. This book paints a colorful picture of the time, of the Paris art world, and of Jo’s and Theo’s and Vincent’s place in it. I enjoyed the cast of artists that flitted in and out. more

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